dida presenting "CropClass" project at agraSpace network event

At the virtual network meeting of the ZIM network "agrASpace" entitled "Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture" on 4 March 2021, Robert Heesen, Director Product and Jona Welsch, Machine Learning Scientist at dida presented the project "CropClass". The project titled " CropClass- Infra-annual Crop Classification with Remote Sensing Data and Machine Learning" aims to reliably determine crop types on agricultural land as early as possible in the year based on publicly available satellite data such as Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data and to make them accessible via an user interface. The project is being carried out jointly with fern.lab, the remote sensing department of GFZ Potsdam, and will run until June 2022.
Potential users of the software are ministries of agriculture for the control of EU agricultural subsidies, sellers of seeds and fertilisers and sprays as well as traders of agricultural goods. For more information, please see the presentation.