The RL process involves an agent interacting with an unknown environment to achieve a goal, guided by the principle of maximizing cumulative rewards. The agent, akin to a learner, perceives the environment's state and takes actions to influence this state, receiving feedback in the form of rewards. The primary elements of an RL system include the agent, the environment, the policy the agent follows, and the reward signal it receives.
A critical concept in RL is the value function, which represents the long-term cumulative reward of being in a certain state, as opposed to the immediate reward. RL algorithms aim to discover the policy that maximizes the value function. RL can be broadly categorized into model-free and model-based approaches. Model-free algorithms, which include value-based methods like SARSA and Q-learning, and policy-based methods like REINFORCE and DPG, learn directly from interactions without constructing an explicit model of the environment. Model-based algorithms, on the other hand, build a model of the environment to predict the outcomes of actions, allowing the agent to plan its strategy more effectively.