Hidden isometry of “T-duality without isometry”
by Peter Bouwknegt, Mark Bugden, Ctirad Klimcik, Kyle Wright
Journal of High Energy Physics, Issue 8, article id.116, 19 pp.
We study the T-dualisability criteria of Chatzistavrakidis, Deser and Jonke [3] who recently used Lie algebroid gauge theories to obtain sigma models exhibiting a "T-duality without isometry". We point out that those T-dualisability criteria are not written invariantly in [3] and depend on the choice of the algebroid framing.
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About the Co-Author
Mark has a background in mathematics and physics, completing his PhD in String Theory and higher-dimensional black holes (Australian National University, Canberra). During postdocs in the Czech Republic (Charles University, Prague) and Germany (Max Planck Institute, Konstanz), he developed an interest in, and experience with, neural networks and machine learning. At dida he works as a Machine Learning Scientist, bridging the gap between theoretical and practical.