Disordered double Weyl node: Comparison of transport and density of states calculations
von Björn Sbierski, Maximilian Trescher, Emil J. Bergholtz, Piet W. Brouwer
Phys. Rev. B 95, 115104
Double Weyl nodes are topologically protected band crossing points which carry chiral charge ±2. They are stabilized by C4 point-group symmetry and are predicted to occur in SrSi2 or HgCr2Se4. We study their stability and physical properties in the presence of a disorder potential.
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About the Co-Author
After his studies in physics (FU Berlin, UPMC and ENS Paris), Max obtained his PhD in theoretical quantum and solid state physics (FU Berlin). His knowledge in scientific programming has been complemented by experience in software architecture and development through his work in the software industry. At dida he works as a Machine Learning Scientist at the interface of science and software development.