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Machine Learning Software for the Construction Industry

Planned construction project using cranes.

Project planning

With image recognition on construction sites, it is possible to develop Machine Learning (ML) techniques to measure a project status and to monitor unsafe work conditions. Besides offering a better overview of large scale projects, ML models can hence help to prevent accidents and delays.

Risky, unfinished building.

Risk analysis

Due to its ability to analyze large amounts of data, Machine Learning (ML) methods can aid the construction industry in predicting the risk of a project. These predictions can take large amounts of information into account, like workforce availability, market trends, construction permits, environment analysis, and many more.

Man that does project optimization on laptop.

Project optimization

Several construction subtasks could profit from Machine Learning algorithms. Data-driven insights can be used to optimize transportation routes, to organize and track performance of assets and equipment, to predict construction budgets, and many other tasks.


Why dida?

We are a software company specialized in Algorithms and Machine Learning (ML) and most of our 30+ employees have a scientific background in Mathematics and Physics. We follow the developments in ML research and have multiple years of experience bringing this knowledge to customers and into production.

Why a customized solution?

No Machine Learning task is alike. The data that is available and the requirements always differ and might not be captured by off-the-shelf software. From us, you get an individual solution. You own the code, the data and we integrate it into your current software environment.

What do we offer?

We offer initial proof of concepts and the complete development of production software. Due to the experience and background of our team, we can as well offer larger research projects.

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